Little Green Men – Background Intelligence Data and Satellite Imagery

In the researching and writing of Little Green Men, Tim Ripley accessed a huge quantity of satellite imagery and other intelligence information drawn from open sources.

The material for each chapter of Little Green Men is available here – all documents are PDF format

• Little Green Men – Putin’s Wars Since 2014: The Inside Story of Russia’s New Military Power is available now

• You can check out all Tim Ripley’s books here on AmazonUK and here on

Chapter 1 – Operation Crimea Spring

Chapter 3 – Hybrid Warfare – Dial Moscow for Subversion – Russian Forces Deploy

Chapter 3 – Hybrid Warfare – Dial Moscow for Subversion

Chapter 4 – The Russian Army Rolls

Chapter 5 – Frozen War Battle of Debaltsevo

Chapter 7 – The Syria Express

Chapter 8 – Air War, Russian Style

Chapter 9 – Finding a Winning Strategy

Chapter 10 – Mediterranean Squadron

Chapter 11 – A2AD and Douma Crisis

Chapter 12 – America’s Great Escape

Chapter 13 – Battle of Idlib – Drone War with Turkey

Chapter 14 – Russia in Libya

Chapter 17 – Russia’s Warriors – Higher Command Arrangements

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Western Military District

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Southern Military District

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Central Military District

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Eastern Military District

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Airborne Forces VDV

Chapter 18 – Russia’s Land Power – Black Sea Fleet Army Corps

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Northern Fleet

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Baltic Fleet

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Black Sea Fleet

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Pacific Fleet

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Caspian Sea Flotilla

Chapter 19 – Russia Surface Fleets – Naval Aviation HQ units

Chapter 20 – Submarines of the Northern Fleet

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power Organisation of RuAF Military Aviation

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – 4th Air and Air Defence Army

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – 6th Air and Air Defence Army

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – 11th Air and Air Defence Army

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – 14th Air and Air Defence Army

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – Long Range Aviation

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – Military Air Transport Force

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – UAV Operations and Procurement

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – Direct Controlled Units

Chapter 21 – Russia’s Air Power – 45th Air and Air Defence Army

Chapter 22 – Russia’s Ship Building Programme

Chapter 23 – Russia’s Wonder Weapons

• Little Green Men – Putin’s Wars Since 2014: The Inside Story of Russia’s New Military Power is available now

Read more about Little Green Men here

• You can check out all Tim Ripley’s books here on AmazonUK and here on